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Information on memorial service seating 2024.4.1~2025.3.31

welcome Mr.

Current status:

Available points


home 1000 p is
date of expiry Until December 31st

view the details

A moment to remember the past

A peaceful atmosphere and heartfelt cuisine will leave you reminiscing about the good old days.
The image of the deceased remains vivid even today among those who were close to him.
We offer food incorporating seasonal flavors and thoughtful hospitality, perfect for a memorial service where fond memories can be shared.
You can spend a relaxing time here.


April 1, 2024 (Monday) - March 31, 2025 (Monday)


Memorial service banquet meal: from 6,000 yen per person


Available as a single item

  • Beer (medium bottle) 948 yen

  • Sake (1 cup) 862 yen

  • Barley shochu (glass) 800 yen

  • Sweet potato shochu (glass) 862 yen

  • Non-alcoholic beer 763 yen

  • Oolong tea 616 yen

  • Juice 616 yen etc.

The displayed price includes 12% service charge and 10% consumption tax.

What is a memorial service?

A memorial service is a way to pray for the repose of the deceased and to hold a memorial service so that they may live peacefully in the next world, and the customs differ depending on whether it is Buddhist, Shinto, or Christian. For more information, it is best to inquire at a temple or church.

Buddhist memorial service

The first memorial service is held on the seventh day after the death, followed by memorial services every seven days, with the end of mourning on the 49th day. Then, memorial services are held for the first, third, seventh, thirteenth, and thirty-third anniversaries of the death, but except for the first anniversary, the age is calculated according to the traditional Japanese age.

Date and time of the memorial service and who to invite

Ideally, a memorial service should be held on the anniversary of the deceased's death, but a date close to the anniversary is chosen depending on the convenience of the temple and the people you are inviting. However, it is best to hold the service on a day before the anniversary of the death. It is common to invite mainly those who had a deep connection to the deceased, and gradually limit the number of memorial services to just family members as more and more memorial services are held.

Attire for memorial services

For upcoming memorial services such as the first or third anniversary of a person's death, formal mourning attire is safe. As the number of memorial services increases, the expression of mourning should be reduced. In general, it is said that clothing in a modest color and pattern other than black is acceptable.

*Updated March 1, 2024
