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Tokyu Hotels Comfort Members

Membership Agreement

1. Membership Qualifications

This membership organization is called “Tokyu Hotels Comfort Members” (hereinafter referred to as “the members club”) and is operated by Tokyu Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”). A member is any customer who stays at any Tokyu Hotels accommodation (see our website for a list of hotels) according to our accommodation contract, has agreed to the terms and conditions of the Tokyu Hotels Comfort Members Membership Agreement, and has enrolled according to the procedures set forth in Article 2. Visit Tokyu Hotels website: www.tokyuhotels.co.jp for further information.

2. Enrollment

You can enroll as described below. Membership is free, without any enrollment fee or annual dues.


Enrolling by electronic means such as via our Tokyu Hotels website (hereinafter referred to as “our website”)
Please enter the required information on the application form found on our website (URL noted below). You will become an official member when you complete the registration procedure on the website (www.tokyuhotels.co.jp).


Enrolling by hard copy paper application

  • Enroll at any of our Tokyu Hotels & Resorts hotels
    Please fill out the required information on the prescribed form and submit it at any affiliated hotel. You will immediately be issued a membership number. You are officially a member as soon as your membership number is issued. Please note that we may ask to verify your identity at time of enrollment.

  • Enroll by sending an application form through the mail
    Please fill out the required information on the prescribed form and send the completed application form to the Tokyu Hotels Comfort Members Office (hereinafter called “our office”). You will become an official member after your application form arrives at and has been accepted by our office.

3. Membership Cards and Digital Membership Cards

Issuance of a membership card/digital membership card

Members will be issued a Tokyu Hotels Comfort Members card (hereinafter referred to as “membership card”) with your membership number printed on it. Please note it may take about a month for the membership card to be sent to you. When enrolling on our or another website, a digital membership card (hereinafter referred to as “digital membership card”) with a membership number will be displayed. It can be used in place of a membership card.


Members cannot loan, transfer, or sell their membership card or member privileges to any other person.


Contacting us in case of card loss, etc., and re-issuance of cards

If a membership card is lost or broken, report it to any nearby Tokyu Hotels accommodation or contact our office as soon as possible. Your card will be re-issued. The company bears no responsibility in the event that a member suffers damages due to membership card loss or breakage. Please contact Tokyu Card, Inc., regarding credit cards that offer Comfort Members perks.

4. Member Privileges

When a member uses Tokyu Hotels, a utilization guide and special privileges, defined separately, will be applied. You must present your membership card or digital membership card to enjoy the use of membership privileges. Please note that membership privileges cannot be applied if you do not present your membership card.

5. Cancellation or Loss of Membership

If any of the following conditions apply, your membership may be cancelled. In such cases, a notification will be sent to your registered postal address and your membership will be deemed as cancelled. Note that all points are lost upon cancellation of membership. Please note that we make no notification regarding loss of points.


If the application at the time of enrollment includes false information.


If contact information like address or telephone number is or has become unclear.


If fees such as lodging fees called for by the accommodation contract are not paid.


If the hotel’s guests, hotel itself (facilities, equipment and/or appliances in the hotel, facilities surrounding the hotel, and/or buildings on the hotel premises, etc.), or any employees of the hotel are harmed or injured without unavoidable reason by any member, regardless of any response after the fact.


If the reputation of the members club is damaged or the order of the members club is disturbed by any member.


If the conditions of the accommodation contract or rules of use are not observed by any member.


If any member is found to have engaged in any illegal behavior or criminal act.


If it has been determined that any member is found to be a member of an organized crime group, a company or organization related to an organized crime group, or a member of a similar anti-social force, or has a relationship with them.


If the company determines there has been any impropriety done by any member.

6. Voiding or Terminating Membership

Members may void or terminate their membership if any of the following conditions apply. In such cases, all member points will be voided and terminated. The rules of Tokyu Card, Inc., shall apply in the case of credit cards that offer Comfort Members perks.


If a member sends a notification of intention to void or terminate membership in the members club.


If the card hasn’t been used in 5 years (“use” refers to points being earned or used, and/or accommodation at the Comfort Members rate).


In case of death.

7. Notification of change of information

If there are changes to any information such as name, address and/or telephone number, report it to any Tokyu Hotels accommodation or contact our office as soon as possible. Members can also make changes on our website (www.tokyuhotels.co.jp).

8. Handling of personal information

Acquisition and storage

The company collects and stores the personal information of members within the scope of use described below. Note that some information listed below may not be kept in the case that such subject information may not be required to be filled out or entered at the time of enrollment.


Personal information given on the member application form, on our website, or on the guest registration card.
Name, home address, home phone number, mobile phone number, gender, date of birth, name of employer, job affiliation, job title, work address, work phone number, contact for sending introductory offers, mail address, whether or not the member wants an e-mail magazine sent, newspaper of choice, status as smoker or non-smoker, wedding anniversary, date of enrollment, membership number.


Information regarding details of transactions resulting from use of the membership card.


Joint use of personal information

The company, the Tokyu Group through the company, and hotels affiliated with Tokyu Hotels may jointly utilize personal information listed in Article 8, Paragraph 1, of the membership agreement as follows.


Personal data items jointly utilized:
those listed in Article 8, Paragraph 1, of the membership agreement;


Scope of those that may jointly use personal information:
the company, the Tokyu Group through the company (see website below for company names), and Tokyu Hotels member hotels (affiliated businesses that have entered into a franchise agreement, management agreement, or business tie-in agreement with the company when the use of information relates to the operations of Tokyu Hotels. See website below for Tokyu Hotels member hotels that are joint users).

Tokyu Hotels website:
Tokyu Group website:

Purpose of use by those that jointly use the personal information:

  • To understand members club operations and the usage status of benefits;

  • To send the latest information, promotion information, product and service information, etc., of Tokyu Hotels either by postal mail or e-mail;
    Note: Introductory information about products and services of other Tokyu Group companies through the company and affiliated businesses of the company may be sent (for a list of Tokyu Group companies, see the websites given above).

  • C. For product development and market surveys, including marketing analysis;

  • D. As a resource for selecting which information to send in notification to members.


The company is responsible for management of a member’s personal information.

  • Our company


Supervision of parties to whom personal information is consigned

The company and any Tokyu Hotels accommodation may consign various tasks requiring contacting members to third parties with whom agreements to protect personal information have been entered into. When such duties are consigned, the company obligates contractors to supervise the strict management of personal information.


Limitations on the provision of personal information to third parties

The personal information of members is never provided to a third party except for those commissioned as given in Article 8, Paragraph 3, and then only in the following cases. Furthermore, if a member’s personal information is to be provided to a third party, a record that it has been provided will be created.


When the consent of the member in question has been obtained.


When disclosing personal information as ordered by a government agency in accordance with laws and ordinances.


When there has been a request by the police for cooperation with an investigation.


Disclosure, correction, cessation of utilization, and deletion of personal information

A member may ask the company to disclose, correct, cease using, or delete personal information that pertains to that member. In addition, if the company receives a request from the member in question, the company shall respond without delay according to its personal information protection rules.


About stopping the utilization of information and the receipt of postal mail and emails

Even if the company is utilizing personal information within the scope described in Article 8, Paragraphs 1 and 2, a member may take steps to stop its utilization by the company and the receipt of postal mail or emails.


The company has established its own privacy policy. For details, see our website (www.tokyuhotels.co.jp).


Contacting us

For questions or comments related to the disclosure, correction, cessation of utilization, or deletion of personal information, please contact us as given below.

Tokyu Hotels Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Desk



9. Modifications to the agreement

Under some circumstances, this agreement may be modified without prior notice (including member benefits and the hotels that provide member benefits). When using your membership card, be sure to check our website (www.tokyuhotels.co.jp) about the latest agreement.

10. Termination of the Members Club

The Members Club may be terminated upon notifying members of that fact in advance.

11. Applicable laws and regulations

All laws and ordinances of the Nation of Japan shall apply to this agreement.

12. Agreed jurisdiction

The Tokyo District Court shall be the agreed exclusive jurisdiction of any legal disputes between the company and its members.

Partial revision effective as of June 17, 2024
