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welcome Mr.

Current status:

Available points


home 1000 p is
date of expiry Until December 31st

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At HAKUBA TOKYU HOTEL, we are mindful of protecting the global environment and will respond to guests' requests to simplify cleaning and other procedures.

TOKYU HOTELS has implemented the "Green Coin" and "Green Card" systems in consideration of protecting the global environment. (Some hotels are excluded.)

Enjoy accommodation benefits and earn points with Tokyu Hotels' convenient membership service!

You can stay at Tokyu Hotels across the country, from city hotels to business hotels and resorts, at special contract rates.

Would you like to join us as a "Hakuba concierge"?

You can check the payment methods available at the hotel, the points program, COMFORT MEMBERS benefits, and more.

We have rental equipment available to ensure that people with disabilities and the elderly can enjoy their stay with peace of mind.