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Hotel Information

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Earn accommodation benefits and points! Convenient member services

welcome Mr.

Current status:

Available points


home 1000 p is
date of expiry Until December 31st

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Osaka TOKYU REI HOTEL Recruitment Information

Thank you very much for your interest in our hotel.
Tokyu associates (employees) treat customers with the spirit of "once in a lifetime."
We aim to understand the feelings of our customers, respect the appropriate distance, be unobtrusively attentive, and behave with dignity.
We will strive to continue evolving through ingenuity. Come join us and take a new step forward.

New graduate recruitment

There is currently no information.

Mid-career recruitment

There is currently no information.

Part-time job recruitment

There is currently no information.


Osaka TOKYU REI HOTEL General Affairs Department Manager Domoto