welcome Mr.



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welcome Mr.

Current status:

Available points


home 1000 p is
date of expiry Until December 31st

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A perfect companion for business and travel. Providing a comfortable internet environment

Shibuya TOKYU REI HOTEL has introduced wireless LAN (Wi-Fi). Feel free to use the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) internet connection from your smartphone, tablet, or other wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) compatible devices.

Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) compatible areas

  • In all guest rooms

  • Dining

  • banquet hall

The guest rooms are equipped with LAN ports and LAN cables for internet connection.

How to use

Please enquire at the front desk or with hotel staff.


1 This service may not be available depending on the OS and computer settings.

2 Please use the service at your own risk, for security management, etc.