\The New Year's holiday season kicks off in a lively manner in Shibuya!/
Why not end 2024 and kick off 2025 at SHIBUYA STREAM HOTEL?
On December 31st, three DJs and drag queens will create a glamorous and dazzling performance to liven up the mood for 2025.
On New Year's Day, January 1st, the lion dance will be divided into two parts and will parade through SHIBUYA STREAM HOTEL at night, praying for new happiness.
Celebrate the New Year with unique and powerful live music from a DJ, accordionist and saxophonist!
This year, take a step forward and enjoy a lively and exciting New Year's holiday in Shibuya.
From December 31st to January 2nd, TORRENT will be serving special lunch and dinner to celebrate the New Year!
Why not spend the entire New Year at SHIBUYA STREAM HOTEL, along with the events celebrating the start of 2025?
- schedule
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
- time
- place
Bar & Dining TORRENT
- Price (per person)
General guests: 3,000 yen
Overnight guests: 2,500 yen
- How to use
Advance reservations accepted (online/phone)
※You can also come directly to the store on the day.
- Content
・One glass of sparkling wine per person
・Finger food plate: 1 plate per person
・Crackers: 1 per person
- performance
・DJ performance
・Drag Queen Showcase
DJ performer
<Performance time> 22:00-24:30
The three DJs will play music of various genres and selections suitable for the closing of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.
We will provide a pop and casual space that will add color to the New Year in a Shibuya-like way.
Drag Queen
<Showcase time> 23:45-24:00
The showcase by two drag queens added glamour and glamour to the venue, rivalling the neon lights of Shibuya.
We will create a dazzling new year and pass the baton to 2025.
~How to participate~
*Guests staying at the hotel are requested to present their room key at the reception.
*Additional drink orders are possible on the day.
*As this is an event where alcohol is served, only those aged 20 and over are allowed to enter.
*Please note that the content and time schedule may be subject to change in the future.
*Performance times are subject to change without notice.
\ Wishing you good health and prosperity... /
Guests will have the opportunity to experience this traditional performing art, which has been enjoyed since ancient times during the New Year holidays, in which participants parade through the hotel lobby and restaurant in hopes of having their heads bitten by a lion to ward off evil spirits, and pray for happiness and good health in the new year.
The lion dance performed in a modern space might be a slightly different Shibuya experience.
- schedule
January 1, 2025 (Wednesday, National Holiday)
- time
①From 18:00 / ②From 19:00
*Both sessions take approximately 15 minutes
- place
4th floor lobby
Bar & Dining TORRENT
- Fee
\Let yourself go with the music and celebrate the New Year in a unique and happy way♪/
Along with a DJ selecting music to bring in the New Year, accordionist Moreno Bussoletti, who continues to perform around the world, and Japan-based saxophonist David Negrete will be performing in the hotel lobby, dining area, bar, etc. Enjoy the unique and powerful live music that will brighten up the entire hotel space.
- schedule
January 1, 2025 (Wednesday, National Holiday)
- time
- place
DJ: Bar & Dining TORRENT (bar)
Live music: 4th floor lobby
Bar & Dining TORRENT
- Fee
- performance
DJ performance
Accordion and Saxophone Player Live
DJ performer
2015年にDJ活動をスタートし、虎ノ門ヒルズANDAZのRoof Top Barにて隔週DJとして抜擢される。2018年からは、Grand Hyatt TokyoにてレギュラーDJを務め、数多くの高級ホテルや企業イベントでの経験を積む。幅広いジャンルを得意とし、お洒落なラウンジ曲から、70~80年代のディスコから最新の音楽まで、年代を問わずゲストを魅了する選曲が特徴。特に高級ホテルでのイベントDJとして高い評価を得ている。2024年には、テニスのオープニングイベントや東京国際映画祭でのDJを担当。サックス、バイオリン、琴、ダンサーなどとのコラボレーション演奏も多く、音楽の多様性を広げている。音楽活動は多岐にわたり、3歳からピアノを始め、ヤマハ音楽コンクールで金賞を多数受賞。さらに、日本レコード大賞を受賞したガールズバンドSCANDALの第一候補生としての経験も持つ。また、TVCMや雑誌、WEBなどの広告モデルとしても活躍中。2018年にはハリウッド映画にも出演するなど、幅広いメディアでの活動を展開している。
Moreno Bussoletti
Saxophone player
David Negrete
アメリカ合衆国、カルフォルニア ロングビーチ出身。1984年生まれ。サンディエゴに移り、チャールズ·マクファーソン氏、グレゴリー·ポータのプロデューサーとしても知られる、カマウ·ケンヤタ氏、地元のジャズミュージシャン育成に力を注ぐギルバート·カステラノス氏に師事。2004年、全額奨学金でボストンのバークリー音楽院に入学。卒業後はニューヨークへ移り、演奏活動を続けた。2011年に日本へ移住し、2016年1stリーダーアルバム『トライブ オブ D』をリリース。サックス奏者、そして作曲家として活動を続け、デイビッド·フォスター氏の日本公演、ASKA氏のワールドツアーにソロプレイヤーとして参加。挾間美帆氏と大西順子氏の丸の内コットンクラブ公演やMISIA氏とChris Hart 氏公演ではホーンセクションのメンバーとして参加している。2024年7月2ndアルバム「WHISPER」をリリース。
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The live accordion and saxophone performance will be interrupted by short breaks.
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Please note that the content and time schedule may be subject to change in the future.
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The displayed price includes 12% service charge and 10% consumption tax.
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The menu may change depending on the availability of ingredients.
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If you have any food allergies, please inform staff in advance.
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The photograph is an image.
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By law, we will not serve alcohol to anyone driving or under the age of 20.
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Our rice is domestically produced.
- seat
25 席
- Private room
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The bar area can be used as "TORRENT HOUSE".
- floor
- Business hours
18:00~24:00 (L.O.22:00)
- ※
Last order for drinks is 23:30
- ※
Closed: Every Sunday
- telephone number
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