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welcome Mr.

Current status:

Available points


home 1000 p is
date of expiry Until December 31st

view the details

Recommended accommodation plans

For 2 people staying, from 6,050 yen per person (from 12,100 yen) 1-2 people

If staying alone, from 10,500 yen per person (from 10,500 yen) 1 to 1 person

For two people, from 6,500 yen per person (from 13,000 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people staying, from 6,850 yen per person (from 13,700 yen) 1-2 people

For two people, from 16,500 yen per person (from 33,000 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people, from 14,900 yen per person (from 29,800 yen) 2 to 2 people

If staying alone, from 10,500 yen per person (from 10,500 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 8,900 yen per person (from 8,900 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 8,400 yen per person (from 8,400 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 6,800 yen per person (from 6,800 yen) 1 to 1 person

For 2 people staying, from 6,050 yen per person (from 12,100 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying, from 7,650 yen per person (from 15,300 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying, from 6,350 yen per person (from 12,700 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying, from 7,950 yen per person (from 15,900 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying, from 7,150 yen per person (from 14,300 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying: 8,750 yen per person (17,500 yen) 1-2 people

For 2 people, from 4,900 yen per person (from 9,800 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people, from 6,500 yen per person (from 13,000 yen) 2 to 2 people

If staying alone, from 8,900 yen per person (from 8,900 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 10,500 yen per person (from 10,500 yen) 1 to 1 person

For 2 people staying, from 7,250 yen per person (from 14,500 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying, from 8,850 yen per person (from 17,700 yen) 1-2 people

If staying alone, from 8,400 yen per person (from 8,400 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 10,000 yen per person (from 10,000 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 7,900 yen per person (from 7,900 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 9,500 yen per person (from 9,500 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 8,700 yen per person (from 8,700 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 10,300 yen per person (from 10,300 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 8,200 yen per person (from 8,200 yen) 1 to 1 person

If staying alone, from 9,800 yen per person (from 9,800 yen) 1 to 1 person

Comfort Members

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Earn points worth 5% to a maximum of 9% of your spending!
We offer a variety of benefits, including preferential member rates, that make your accommodation and dining experiences more convenient and affordable.