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Accommodation plan special feature list

Enjoy a winter resort at TOKYU HOTELS

A heartwarming Christmas at TOKYU HOTELS

Enjoy a luxurious hotel stay in a suite room

A "service apartment-style" accommodation plan with furniture and a kitchen. Available at two facilities in Kanazawa and Osaka

From December 28th, 2024 to January 5th, 2025, take it easy over the New Year holidays.

The earlier you book, the better the deal!

Create your own original plan by freely combining airplanes, Shinkansen, JR, hotels, and options.

We offer great deals for stays of 2 nights or more, for both sightseeing and business.

A memorable hotel stay for your anniversary

We also support entrance exams, job hunting, and graduation trips!

2024-2025 Autumn & Winter (until March 31, 2025)

2024-2025 Autumn & Winter (until March 31, 2025)

Images (16:9 size) for virtual backgrounds are available. Please feel free to use our hotel online.

Comfort Members

No joining fee or annual fee

Earn points worth 5% to a maximum of 9% of your usage fees!
We offer a variety of benefits, including preferential member rates, that make your accommodation and dining experiences more convenient and affordable.