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Consecutive nights

We are introducing great deals for stays of two nights or more from TOKYU HOTELS across the country.
Staying for multiple nights gives you more time to relax and enjoy your stay, whether for leisure or business. We also recommend weekly stay plans of 5 days or more.


2 consecutive nights or more

For a group of 5 people, from 6,600 yen per person (from 33,000 yen) 1 to 5 people

For a group of 5 people, from 4,200 yen per person (from 21,000 yen) 1 to 5 people


2 consecutive nights or more

For two people staying, from 11,250 yen per person (from 22,500 yen) 1 to 3 people

For two people staying, from 7,030 yen per person (from 14,060 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying: from 9,405 yen per person (from 18,810 yen) 1-2 people

5 consecutive nights or more

2人で滞在の場合 1人当たり11,319円~(22,638円~)1~4名

2人で滞在の場合 1人当たり14,478円~(28,956円~)1~4名

For two people staying, from 6,840 yen per person (from 13,680 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying, from 9,215 yen per person (from 18,430 yen) 1-2 people


2 consecutive nights or more

For 2 people staying: 4,350 yen per person (8,700 yen and up) 1 to 3 people

For two people staying, from 6,150 yen per person (from 12,300 yen) 1 to 3 people

For a group of 4 people, from 10,925 yen per person (from 43,700 yen) 1 to 6 people

5 consecutive nights or more

If staying alone, from 6,800 yen per person (from 6,800 yen) 1 to 1 person


2 consecutive nights or more


2 consecutive nights or more

For 2 people staying: 3,240 yen per person (6,480 yen and up) 1 to 3 people

For 2 people staying, from 4,680 yen per person (from 9,360 yen) 1 to 3 people


2 consecutive nights or more

For 2 people staying, from 3,310 yen per person (from 6,620 yen) 1 to 3 people

For 2 people staying, from 4,642 yen per person (from 9,284 yen) 1 to 3 people

Comfort Members

No joining fee or annual fee

Earn points worth 5% to a maximum of 9% of your usage fees!
We offer a variety of benefits, including preferential member rates, that make your accommodation and dining experiences more convenient and affordable.