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We will create a memorable hotel stay for your anniversary.



For a group of 3 people: from 52,194 yen per person (from 156,582 yen) 2-3 people

For two people staying: from 33,895 yen per person (from 67,790 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people staying: from 41,296 yen per person (from 82,592 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people staying: from 48,899 yen per person (from 97,798 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people staying together: from 46,754 yen per person (from 93,508 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people staying: from 59,879 yen per person (from 119,758 yen) 2 to 2 people

For 2 people staying, from 10,839 yen per person (from 21,678 yen) 1-2 people

For 2 people staying, from 10,554 yen per person (from 21,108 yen) 1-2 people

For two people staying: from 13,689 yen per person (from 27,378 yen) 1-2 people


  • Anniversary, Limited Time Offer, Recommended, Group & Family

For 2 people staying, from 11,980 yen per person (from 23,960 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people, from 14,640 yen per person (from 29,280 yen) 2 to 2 people

  • Anniversary, Recommended, Group & Family

For a group of 4 people, from 11,530 yen per person (from 46,120 yen) 2 to 4 people

For two people staying: from 13,699 yen per person (from 27,398 yen) 2 to 2 people


For a group of 3 people, from 10,153 yen per person (from 30,459 yen) 2 to 4 people

For a group of 3 people, from 18,228 yen per person (from 54,684 yen) 2 to 4 people

For two people staying together: from 30,043 yen per person (from 60,086 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people, from 19,570 yen per person (from 39,140 yen) 2 to 2 people

For two people, from 28,120 yen per person (from 56,240 yen) 2 to 2 people

Comfort Members

No joining fee or annual fee

Earn points worth 5% to a maximum of 9% of your usage fees!
We offer a variety of benefits, including preferential member rates, that make your accommodation and dining experiences more convenient and affordable.