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welcome Mr.

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home 1000 p is
date of expiry Until December 31st

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A relaxation space that offers the luxury and comfort that only a hotel can offer.
This is a fitness gym exclusively for guests, designed to be simple and based on what is needed.
Please feel free to use our facilities to refresh yourself after work or sightseeing, or to maintain your health during an extended stay.
You can freely incorporate it to suit your lifestyle.
Daily workouts, which are only effective if done consistently, are effective not only for relieving lack of exercise and stress, but also for burning fat and improving cardiopulmonary function.



4th floor (next to Benikaga)

Usage time

(Closed approximately one hour between 11:00 and 14:00)

Usage fees

Free (Available only during your stay)

Terms of Use

Available from check-in to check-out on the day of your stay
Please fill out the registration form at the front desk when using the service.

Limited to hotel guests aged 18 or over.

Accompanying persons other than guests staying at the hotel are not permitted.

Day use guests are not permitted to use the facility.

Fitness Equipment

Excite Run


Excite Bike


Abdominal Crunch Bench


Beverage refrigerator
