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It will add a touch of glamour to your special day.


From 22,770 yen per person
Exclusion dates: Saturday, December 28, 2024 - Sunday, January 5, 2025

[Guaranteed window seat / Glass of champagne included / 5-course lunch course incorporating seasonal flavors]
1 person 12,100 yen

[Guaranteed window seat / Glass of champagne included / Two seasonal southern French courses created by the chef]
1 person 16,800 yen or 22,300 yen

Lunch: 8,800 yen
Night: 12,500 yen + room charge

For special occasions such as meeting someone new

  • anniversary

Lunch: 9,000 yen / Dinner: 12,000 yen

For everyday dates or special occasions!
A special time to enjoy with your eyes and tongue



10cm 2,858 yen (for 2-3 people)
15cm 5,593 yen (for 3-4 people)
18cm 6,587 yen (for 4-5 people)
We will provide an original SHIMODA TOKYU HOTEL whole cake.


Comfort Members

No joining fee or annual fee

Earn points worth 5% to a maximum of 9% of your usage fees!
We offer a variety of benefits, including preferential member rates, that make your accommodation and dining experiences more convenient and affordable.