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Nature Walk with a Hakuba Meister

This is a popular trekking tour where you explore the famous peaks of the Northern Alps with a Hakuba Meister.
A Hakuba Meister will provide you with a thorough tour so that you can enjoy the alpine plants nurtured by Mother Nature.

What is a Hakuba Meister?


Meister is a German word meaning "craftsman, master, master". Therefore, "Hakuba Meister" means "Hakuba craftsman". The Meister program was created to convey to everyone the charms of Hakuba Village that can only be felt by those who live in Hakuba. Please come and enjoy the various charms!

Learn about the wonderful nature with a "Hakuba expert"

Trekking and mountain climbing will be many times more enjoyable if you are guided by a "Hakuba Meister," an expert who knows Hakuba inside and out.
Come and discover this wonderful natural environment with our Meister!

For more information about the Meister Tour, please visit the Hakuba Village Tourism Association website.


Hakuba Village Tourism Bureau

Reception hours: 09:00-18:00

Hakuba Village Tourism Bureau Document Request and Information Desk

For details, please refer to the URL below.